Stuff Stuff and More Stuff

Jul 11, 2008
- Lets see if family guy cures insomnia. Probably not, helps with the numbing boredom though #
- Jacket Potato with chilli me thinks for lunch, no cheese though, diet doesnt allow it 🙁 #
- @Whatleydude no Tshirt of the day pic on flickr today! show us the magically tshirt of compliments #
- Today’s main horror done and dusted. Loads and loads still to do! #
- @Whatleydude WOOOP enjoy budio! #
- Still in d office… fun friday night #
- @ftchris certainly a success. Both for the 199, and for being the first at something 😀 #
- @PaulieA do you feel responsible for jinxing bell? #
- In pub with boys. @adamjohnstone and @felix ace #
- Royal oak. Gin oclock #
- Early night? As if, kill bill 2 on bbc #
- Omg i just scored a ticket to lords tomorrow. Front ish row members end. Go me! #