Truck-ing Friday


Where to start when talking about Truck? So much fun, frolics, misbehaviour and did I mention fun(?) all wrapped up into a weekend.

A good change for this year was the fact they allowed us into the camp site on the Friday night. Something to do with the increased number of tickets available, the organisers felt that they would need to get people in before Saturday morning. This seems fair, rather than the normal rule where only people who have previously arranged to enter on the Friday, who were coming from far away, would be allowed in. That’s basically where the carnage started.

After pilling everyone into Elly (that’s my car’s name btw), we trooped the few miles up to Steventon. Not surprisingly there was no queue to get in, and no real traffic in the village, making me think that the camp site might only have 20 people in it for the night. Park up, and rules are rules, time for a beer! First beer at a festival always has to be in the car park. This is admittedly a Download tradition which strives from having to drive for 2 hours and then normally sit in traffic for hours. Maybe we don’t deserve one after a ten minute drive? But who’s to say! We get in to the festival and realise I was gravely mistaken about the number of people already there, there must be a thousand people there already. Brilliant!

First things first, get the tent up. For me, I had a nice compact two man tent which I was having to myself, this only took 20 mins to get up. Chair out, beer open and relax. Relax and watch a fellow camper who was having a bit more trouble with his tent. After just over an hour he finally got the outside up, polled, and pegged. Just to realise it was inside out and the guide ropes were facing inwards and the inside layer clips outwards. You can imagine the hysterical laughter which ensued.

Clearly time for a little wonder, in fact a little wonder turned into a mission back to the car to get some more beers / the food. Never a bad thing! I picked up the bottle of Gin which I got given at the football awards, thanks [censored]!

I was quite pumped about this Friday night, normally I’m too tired from work to do much constructive on a Friday, however this one was different. I knew there was an old, close, good acquaintance from my past who was going to be there and I was really looking forward to catching up with her. As was to become apart on the Saturday night, the disco tent in hindsight was clearly the best place to meet up with her.

The disco tent this year was powered by peddle power. Ace idea for all those [censored] heads.

The rest of the night was spent drinking Bulmers and gin in front of the singing hippy guy in his camper van. Always worth a gander, especially when there is little else to do. Relatively early night, in the tent and thinking about sleep around 3.

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