Twitter Updates for 2008-07-22

  • In work, only feeling half as dead as i did yesterday. Great thai food last night with @missdd + newbould clan #
  • @sebrobert Link? #
  • @Whatleydude not sure ive seen one of those outside of festival grounds before #
  • @ricgalbraith Did you bite, and pop, his inflatable toy? #
  • @Whatleydude I’m not allowed outside unless accompanied by a responsible adult. And as i dont know any of those its tough… 😀 #
  • @ceejay2222 where you living now sir? #
  • @Whatleydude Yes yes i do! @ricgalbraith can be the responsibie adult… uh oh #
  • @jakkychamp Oxford baby! #
  • @bryan thats like a weeks worth of sleep!! What a waste 😀 #
  • @missdd already there… fun time franky! #
  • Vista Print #
  • Sitting on my bed, fan blowing, gin flowing and City and Colour bellowing! #
  • Truck-ing Friday #
  • State of English Test Cricket #
  • Serious Truck-ing Faces #
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