After the exerts of yesterday morning we decided we deserved a lie in, nothing stupid, but not having an alarm on for 6. Instead we turned the phone upside down and got up at 9, lucky really as we found out in the morning that we had to be out of the apartment by 10.
We walked down to the Old town to grab a bite of breakfast, a few bits and bob presents and to go to the beach. I had another cherry pastry, was good, better than the first one I had a few days before. We aimed for the main beach in Dubrovnik, it was uber busy and with the sun being so high in the sky there was little hope for shade. Or so it seemed, we found a brilliant spot by the rocks which had an arse shaped rock structure which was shaded by the bigger rock above, perfect. Cesekberry was pretty quickly off into the sea for snorkelling and lilo’ing. I hung on the rocks, watching the sea life before going in. There was lots to see in the water, not as much as the day before, but still lots of entertainment. The water was quite choppy though, which you would expect when massive cruise liners are passing through within hundreds of metres.
After spending all morning on the beach, we headed back to Gaffe for more of the cricket and lunch. I was extremely excited to see the Aussies 4 down, and even happier to see 4 wickets before lunch! The Aussies sitting in the bar around me were quick to leave!
I was dragged away from the cricket, well actually it went to lunch so we decided to leave. We headed for the Buza Bar, a place of brilliance, I’d received a recommendation from a colleague to check it out (Thanks Matt). Basically a bar built into the cliff face on the outside of the walls. You could get a drink, then walk down to the rock face to the sea and jump in and go swimming. Which is exactly what we did, from varying heights, I of course being boring did it from quite low. I however did not make as much of a scene as one fateful girl who had made her way up to the second highest rock we saw anyone jump from. She then spent maybe 45 mins quibbling with herself over whether to jump or not. By this time it had been noticed and there were a number of ongoing ploys to try and help her. Some of these were constructive some were less… to mention just a few, the kids (10 or 12 yrs old) jumping from there with no fear, the old man down the bottom apparently waving at her telling her not to jump, and the Americans on the rock with us who were finding it all very funny. Remark after remark being made, one even went up there and ran past her screaming before jumping. In the end she did it, good girl! We left at this point, I hope she has done it a number of more times since. Whilst in the sea at Buza, Gloating Barbie talked to a couple of Aussie chaps, who were not interested in the cricket at all, yet she still managed to tell them the score, good work.
It was now time to start the trek back to the apartment to get the bags and head to the airport, we decided that counting the steps up would be a positive move to distract us, guessing at around 200 we started going. The first flight of steps took us to 150 and the predictions changed rapidly. I said 372, I was well off! Not to bore you with the count, so here is just the end: 506, 507, 508! *pant* Grabbing the bags we headed for the bus stop, before a bus came a taxi did, so we thought scrap it lets get that. This was then the first time I have seen the temperature since I got there, 34C, and we just walked up 508 steps, feck me!
The bus was another strange experience, clearly too many people for the bus, and clearly a bundle (like at secondary school) would ensue, and sure enough it did. We won though, so got on the bus. Which was quite hairy, the cliffs we were hammering round were pretty steep to say the least. We got to the airport safe and sound, check in easy peasy. The arrivals board did however confuse me slightly, a flight from London Gatwick due at 19:45, was expected at 19:35 and listed as delayed. Hmm, pardon? No answer.
In true English fashion I bought a bottle of spirits at duty free and Cosmetic Barbie bought some perfume.
Then onto the plane, which is where I am right now writing this, enjoying my second stella and wishing I had bought more pistachio nuts. Fun fun times and a real shame to be nearly back home.
I will maybe do a summary post tomorrow with all the relevant links, also, if you are confused by dates I remind you that I am retrospectively going to be posting these over the 5 days I return due to the total lack of internet.
Today’s pictures and all pictures…
Cheers – remember, twitter me here @colinmercer or comment.
[Disclaimer – this post was written on Friday 31st July]