Shine Manchester 2010 (#shine2010)



I like Charity and I like the challenge of fundraising. What I don’t like is having no control over where my hard earned cash goes. This means I like the new Cancer Research fundraising fest that is Shine. You have the control, you choose which part of the Charity the money goes towards and fight a specific type of Cancer. Nice touch.

What is shine? A walk of only 13 miles or if you’re a real man 26 miles through Manchester in the middle of the night. Sounds like fun, who’s Sofa can I crash on?

To help spread the word of Shine, the challenge is to answer the following question: “What will make you shine in 2010 #shine2010?” Making sure that everything is hashtagged #shine2010.

That explains my tweet yesterday yes?



  1. mik dunne  •  Jan 18, 2010 @10:52 pm

    Hey check out my blog documenting my training for the event, I can’t wait to do it now. Also if you feel like sponsoring me you can do so here:

    Thank you. Hope to see on the event.


  2. mik dunne  •  Jan 18, 2010 @10:54 pm

    Sorry for to give you blog address:

    Apologies for double post.


  3. Colin  •  Jan 19, 2010 @4:04 pm

    Cheers Mik, will keep an eye on it 🙂

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