Twitter Updates for 2008-06-11

  • @jakkychamp did it wash his coke away? #
  • @missdd BULLS**T @missbroody #
  • Won cricket again, thats 4 in a row now 🙂 two of which i captained! 100% captaining record now 😀 #
  • @thejustinesane maybe i should sign up, to get rejected then sue for sexual-discrimination #
  • @arnold do that all the time, not with amazon, but “ill facebook”, “ill it” or most common, “ill wikipedia it” all nouns as verbs #
  • Finishing my gin, then bed, its only thursday and nothing to look forward to this week 🙁 #
  • @arnold i’m heading to SF on sunday, dont make me come kick your arse! #
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