That’s what the TV is calling them at-least. I don’t understand how watching football on BBC is so much better than watching it on Sky and worlds better than Setanta. The commentators are generally worse, with the obvious exception of Andy Gray who needs to be shot, will probably do a separate post about him when I have the displeasure of having to listen to him next time.
Onto the actual game then, as I write this there is still another half an hour left (probably less by time I get around to publishing). Seems to me that either Sheffield Utd are pussies and are going down hurt for no reason or, as per a usual game with Middlesbrough, they are getting kicked left right and center. Another normal thing for a Middlesbrough game, Downing is a waste of space. His only tactic is to kick the ball past people then run into them to get a free kick and get the guy booked. Very impressed with Alves tonight, about time he looks fit and dangerous. If him and Mido get their attitude sorted its a very dangerous top line. Shame they will still have Wheater and Pogatez at the back, easily the ugliest, dirtiest and generally awful centre back combination in the league. Remembering that this league has Wes Brown in it….
Come on the Blades