Stuff Stuff and More Stuff

Apr 1, 2008
- TIRED! 3.30 am my time, 10.30 local time. sucky pants! Horsys making me work now too #
- New York Day 1 #
- Less twittering from me today and next few days, cant really justify twitter texts when abroad as expenses can i #
- hot bird on my bed #
- Been for another wonder around NYC, still havent got lost. Admittedly the taxi got us lost on the way back but hardly my fault! #
- Check facebook for latest "Horsing-around" #
- @missdd Dance! (Isn’t it called Dressage?) Yay Skindred… #
- New York Day 1 Pictures #
- @ricgalbraith its easy! It literally took 2 minutes to do. which bit you struggling with? I’m waiting for Woopra #