Twitter Updates for 2008-04-13

  • Sick 🙁 #
  • Madejski Stadium View #
  • @ricgalbraith love how you tweet your hangover twenty mins after @ceejay2222 tweets about being hangover free. Classic #
  • @petecooper how is that fair? Its horrendous here (Ox12)! Going to rain ALOT me thinks #
  • Getting fed up of golf commentary. How can almost every shot that doesn’t go where it’s meant to be "unlucky"? #


  1. Whatleydude  •  Apr 14, 2008 @8:20 am

    Two things:

    1) Thanks for the link love re: Rick

    2) How do you do those Twtter update posts? ^ Are they automatic?

  2. admin  •  Apr 14, 2008 @10:28 am

    1) any time !
    2) Its a wordpress plugin called “twitter tools”. there are a few things you can do with it, I could make it write a seperate post for every tweet, but think thats slightly over the top 😛

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