Stuff Stuff and More Stuff
Apr 15, 2008
- Stuck in bed, wishing someone would reach into my throat and pull my insides out. #
- @ryanv49er how was football? #
- @siobhanc hmmm tea… good idea! #
- Maybe i watch too much simpsons, the sign is that i knew which episode it was by the "rubbish episode" pun #
- Insomnia #
- Twitter doesn’t parse URL’s to tinyurls if there is only one word before it in the tweet… weird? known? #
- @ricgalbraith see previous post on blog re insomnia… i will lose sleep over it damn it! #
- Watching battlestar galactica for the first time, first epi of season 4, dont understand it #
- @ricgalbraith are you bringing me a DVD tomorrow then? #
- Twitter Search Summize #
- @whatleydude you mean starting on season 4? #
- @whatleydude alright smarty pants! #