Twitter Updates for 2008-07-17

  • Team Beer #
  • Planning my presentation for tonight. should i have dancing girls? #
  • Secretly preparing presentation for tonight… shhhh #
  • Feeling flush. Waitrose here i come #
  • @whatleydude no novelty coasters? *sobs uncontrollably* #
  • Distracted #
  • @ricgalbraith go on… take a stab in the dark? #
  • @ricgalbraith Your sir are a DISGRACE. i hadnt even realised. Clearly someone isnt busy enough! #
  • @jakkychamp you look brilliant #
  • @sylwiapresley the place is falling apart! Are you coming to oxford tonight deary? #
  • In copa. Preparing #
  • Awards went well. Driving home soon #
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