So far this story has only got me abused and shunned, yet I’m convinced it happened. It was not a dream, I did not imagine it, I actually saw a ghost.
As you will know from my recent update post I have just moved house, all was going swimmingly well until Thursday night last week. A very standard evening, sat around the house, watched some football, nothing out of the ordinary. Went to bed at a good time as I was back at work the following day.
Around 4am, I woke up (this is nothing new, I wake up between 4 and 5 every night), looked around my room and what did I see… my house mate sitting on the end of my bed. This was strange, but I guess explainable so I called his name and he looked round at me. Then he just stared at me, and kept staring at me however many times I asked what the f**k he was doing. The next logical action in my mind was to give him a nudge, assuming he was sleep walking or something. This is where the story gets sketchy, as I kicked him, the presence which I thought was my housemate dispersed in a cloud of smoke, best way to describe it would have to be wafting away. This, as you can imagine freaked me out, I literally lead there for a couple of hours trying to work out what the hell happened.
Anyone know any good night light shops?