How random is it the ways in which you find things to do… Went down to reception this morning to buy some more internet time and found a leaflet on the counter advertising the Melbourne Motorshow and today was the last day. I thought why the devil not!
So I went to the Motorshow at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, to be honest it was a little bit of a let down. It was set up more as one big car showroom for selling purposes rather than a hall with lots of crazy concept cars and prototypes etc. There were some highlights though, the F1 car (obviously as the first GP of the season is a couple of weeks away in Melbourne), there were also a lot of very attractive models fashioning the cars. Never have I come up with so many pointless questions to ask…
After around an hour I got bored of wondering around and had ran out of questions so thought it was time to head to activity two for today. As you can read here I went up to the MCG on event day yesterday so couldn’t get a full tour. To get to the MCG I had to walk along the Yarra River, it’s a good couple of miles but it’s a rather pleasant experience. Would have been much better if there weren’t a few thousand people there watching some Water Skiing tournament.
Up at the MCG I could have the full tour, and what a tour it is! Got to go around the inner workings of the stadium, into the changing rooms (they put our club’s showers to shame), up to the top of the ground and had a look around the member’s area. Membership is extremely cheap, only $550 a year (approx £250) the problem is the 27 year wait for membership. Did I mention I went on the pitch? *BIG GRIN*. The view from the top:
For dinner, I tried out a new game I had been thinking about using for a while, simply go up to a deli style food counter and when they ask you what you would like you say “whatever the last person had”. It has not gone well, ended up with some Lamb curry, Meatballs and couscous. I don’t like couscous… the silver lining, I discovered Blue Tongue Lager, more on this later.