When you know you are going to be spending the day travelling, the best thing to do is wake up ridiculously early, much earlier than planned and feel terrible. Somehow, I guess with the prize of getting to your destination in mind, you have to struggle out of bed and get sorted. In this case, pack and do everything!
If you’ve been following my Twitter or Facebook you will know I have spent the day travelling to Croatia, more accurately Dubrovnik to meet up with Spank / Queen Hanna / Barbie / @cesekberry. In short this meant 2 buses to get to the airport, then a flight and another bus once landed.
Was it worth it? Definitely, this place is absolutely stunning, very difficult to put into words right now, hopefully some pictures I snap tomorrow in the light will help do it justice. Tonight we just chilled out and went to a couple of bars, met up with some of the people from the apartment complex we are staying in and a couple of London girls they were with.
More tomorrow with pictures I promise!
[Disclaimer – this post was written on Monday 27th July]