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New York Day 2


What have I got up to today then… weird night sleep, woke up after about 2 hours of sleep, then from there on in I was kinda awake and kinda asleep. That dozey state where you don’t know what state you are in!

At around 7 I gave up and got up and started working… breakfast via room service at 9ish, American breakfast to be exact. Eggs bacon Roast potatoes, go figure. Bad cup of tea! Pretty much straight after breakfast we had to run over to Smartfusion offices to collect some devices for work, this was cool, again got to see some more of NYC. Taxi back got lost, when we said we wanted 70 Park Avenue, he tried to take us to 70th and Park Ave. This is approximately 40 blocks away from where we wanted to be. The guy got to about 58th before Horsey realised and turned him around. Strangly only added about 2 quid to the fare.

Work in the room all afternoon, broken up by a trip to Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. My first Mocha, not bad to be honest! Tasted of hot chocolate, and I didn’t need to fall asleep all afternoon. I will probably need another couple tomorrow to stop this again though.

Evening, chilled out from around 7-7.30, watched some Fam Guy, call it a break! Then back to work, got a call that the bosses were expecting me in the bar to talk business (instead of meeting up with a mate for drinks). Sat there talking business until they threw us out at 11. Went upstairs, bath, work, now sat in bed writing this before passing out and sleep! Can’t wait!

Gunna watch some of the Conan O’Brian show and fall asleep, pictures of today tomorrow, not so many today. But will bulk it out with some room pictures!



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