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Wantage Cricket Club Website


I’ve been neglecting this site a little bit over the last few days, honestly I have an excuse. I have been spending my time working on one of my other sites, the Wantage & Grove Cricket Club site.

Been playing around with the html code, the design and even some PHP stuff, get me hey! Have a look and let me know what you think, it is not fully working yet so bits and bobs are still missing unfortunately.

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Men’s Drinks


Sat 08/03/2008 23:45 08032008103

Sat 08/03/2008 23:45 08032008104

You wouldn’t catch me drinking anything like this… I guess this is where I start hoping the pictures of me drinking these last night don’t surface, however much I doubt that.

A good night was had by all, even the slow motion police drive by on the walk home didn’t scupper the evening. Back to pub soon for lunch.

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