Browsing the blog archives for March, 2008.

Twitter Updates for 2008-03-22

  • @jakkychamp conscious yet? #
  • Thinking P should do a celebrity scrap between rick astley and kirk johnson #
  • Pub lunch, this decorating thing is nice and rewarding #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-21

  • Lovely morning, sun making slightly hungover head hurt. Wind blowing cobwebs away. #
  • Decorating. The fun of time off work. How old do i sound? #
  • Off out for dinner with folks. *accidentally forgets wallet* #
  • Rue The Day #
  • England out doing themselves again #
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Rue The Day

Fri 21/03/2008 01:58 21032008132

Rock and/or Roll ladies and gentlemen!

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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-20

  • A great day, remembering the good, about a great man, in a manner which he would have loved to be involved in. Rip jjj x #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-19

  • Football tonight, need to get pumped, hopefully it doesn’t take a work related screw up this week #
  • What you doing to get to work tomorrow? #
  • @Whatleydude think about what he’s hoovering… #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-18

  • Result Of Drinking #
  • Tuesday morning feels exactly the same as monday morning. Oh dear #
  • Still in office. Trying to sort some video’s out #
  • Pro #
  • New southpark episode is rubbish. This season has a long way to go. #
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Result Of Drinking

Sun 16/03/2008 00:41 16032008123

You take random pictures of random people’s food. Who you don’t know! The only thing not represented in this picture is the torrential rain!

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The Xbox Itself

Sun 16/03/2008 16:30 16032008125

Sexy time. This will be better once I’ve found the TV remote.

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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-17

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-03-16 #
  • No twittering at all today, bad colin, stupid 4 (ish) day week. #
  • Helena Bonham Carter is a big yes. #
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Xbox 360 + Windows = ?

random, tv

Just to clear up some confusion, no I haven’t thrown my new Xbox out the window!

Xbox + Windows =

This is the Xbox which I FINALLY plucked up the nerve to buy on Sunday! YAY ME! Along with it a couple of games and I’ve liberated a 30inch TV from downstairs to add to my bedroom powerplant.

This post is however not about the games or the Xbox itself, it’s about the way that Windows and the Xbox integrate. Admittedly this is my own fault for not reading up on it before hand, but I have a friend who always used to play his computer downloads through his TV (things like TV shows, PAID for films etc nothing illegal *wink wink*). Little did I know that you either need a top version of Vista to do this or you have to pay some extortionate amount of money for what is known as the Windows Media Center. There are otherways of course, you can buy a classic Xbox and chip it, then there are customised programs which work the same as Media Center. This has not been developed for the 360 to date.

So now I have a couple options:
1) Take the free upgrade to Vista I have sitting on my desk and convert everything to Vista
2) Download and install the pirate copy of Windows Media Center, including a safemode boot up and install of the crack (dodgy much?)
3) Buy a classic Xbox and chip it (£40 + £20)
4) Get over the desire to watch things from my PC on the 30inch TV and settle with the 19inch monitor I have


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