Browsing the blog archives for March, 2008.

Jaiku Competition

lifeblog, random

Sat 08/03/2008 11:44 08032008101

Oh yes, this really is your chance to win a half eaten open pack of Wasabi nuts! Sell by date is clearly printed as oct08.

All you need do is… Be the first to get me on jaiku! After google’s take over new user registrations have been closed, however members can invite. Send invite to colin[at] and comment here.

The prize will be posted via snail mail as soon as an address is supplied. Gooo team!

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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-07

  • Feeling rough, struggling through the day. Missed neighbours 🙁 #
  • Sleeeeeep, bed, cricket, family guy. thats about it #
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Football Write-Up 05/03


So yes I had this written yesterday morning, but due to the insistence that the girls get to do the nicknames again I had to wait for them. Therefore this is only going out now. For the record, I don’t think the names are as good this week but nothing I can do about that!

The big write up… Exciting changes for this week, instead of sitting on the train to London with “less ginger than Rich”, “Vicky Pollard in Disguise” and “Stolen Donnas desk” I am in fact on the Oxford Tube (Bus) heading to London with “Ginger”. This makes less difference as I trust those who played were adequately sore. I know for a fact that “Bobby Charlton” is having troubles sitting down today due to a freak meeting on a dark and cold night between his arse and some concrete.

Moving swiftly away from talking about “George Best”’s sore arse, and onto the match at hand. Crazy levels of confusion over the teams building up to the game, lots of swapping and changing, players becoming available and players becoming unavailable. Also, I didn’t have time in my busy schedule to send a team sheet email around yesterday, so accept my apologies for this. We almost had everyone there on time to kick off at 6:30 this week, Brendan was running slightly late and “Old Man” was still driving back from the airport. However, the real reason we had to delay the actual kick off wasn’t either of these, someone, during the warm up had put one of the two balls we own onto the roof of the sports centre. So we had to wait for “belly broke the sofa” to beg the Pleasure centre to go out and get it back for us, successfully may I add.

We kicked off with numbers even, the usual suspects on each side, STUDio were missing “Impressive How You Get Your Name Mentioned When You Don’t Play”, Topvile had picked up Brendan and were temporarily missing “Getting older”. “silent but deadly” was also missing due to holiday, not to mention “Aslan”’s absence, but who wouldn’t rather go on a date with Jack’s Mum than play football with your mates? “Roll with it”, “going to be saying roll with it soon” and “G” were also absent for Topville.

STUDio took a 2 goal lead, totally against the run of play, the first was a swift break by “my brother is hot” , after intercepting the ball just inside his own half he travelled the remainder of the pitch before putting it past new goalkeeper “Jussi Jaaskelainen vs Liverpool”. Admittedly I have done the same as a few weeks ago, my memory on the scoring order is a little bit flaky Strangely though I remember that I got the 2nd, a ball across from “my new housemate likes to watch people sleeping”, terrible first touch from me seemed to take the keeper by surprise (not sure why) and I mishit it into the corner. What a great goal, lolocopter oclock!

At this point “Knows what a Combine Harvester is” jogged up (in the wrong kit!), yikes even Brendan managed to wear the right colour shirt. Giving Topville the extra man for the last ten mins of the first half. This didn’t stop STUDio, who lead by their illustrious captain scored a 3rd, flick down the wing from “love rat” to me, who volleyed into the far corner from distance (EGO EGO EGO). Topville got 2 back before the end of the half to take us in at halftime with scores at 3-2 to STUDio.

A predetermined initiative, decided upon by the remaining football council (we missss youuu Witthhheerrss) was announced at half time, this was to try and counter the advantage given by having extra men on one team. Basically, in this example “Paul Robinson vs Croatia” swapped sides 10 mins into the second half. This meant that both teams had a man advantage for about 20 mins of the game. GENIUS no? Well in hind sight maybe not, this man advantage meant that STUDio flew away with the lead. From being 4-2 up at the swap, it finished 9-4. On the way to this score line there were some class goals scored. Quick ball out from the keeper to “Chimeo” on the right, who slid the ball inside to me, a cheeky back heel flick from me onto “Knows what to do with a screwdriver” on the left, left him open to plant the ball in the far corner. Also mention “cheese” blasted finish into the near top corner for another one of the goals and “Not fussy”s well placed strike into the far bottom corner.

The shame wall this week only has one booking on it, and that’s for “facial hair” for his sliding tackle on “hot stuff”.

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Brown Army


I wonder how many porn hits I get thanks to that title.

There was an article on the BBC site I noticed today all about Gordon Brown condemning reports that soldiers had been told not to wear their uniforms whilst off duty around the UK due to receiving verbal abuse about the Iraq war situation etc. To me this seems propostorous, my personal opinion is that the war is probably wrong and we are there for totally the wrong reasons. However, if someone is willing to risk their life for the country how dare they get abused. I have respect for the guys and gals who go out there, my cousin is in the raf and his commitment amazes me!

Read the article here.

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Last Night

Fri 07/03/2008 00:14 07032008097
Fri 07/03/2008 00:37 07032008099

Not my personal preference on drinks. Those, along with jagers and cocktail shots are the reason i don’t feel very well this morning!

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Clever Americans


Over at the Beanoblog there is a very comical article about how he has lost respect/sympathy for American marines after the puppy throwing incident, from here on in I will refer to it as “Puppygate”. The article has sparked some less than positive feedback from American readers. Check out the comments section, Ohhrah, what a retard!


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Twitter Updates for 2008-03-06

  • Wondering why galbo would tweet the same thing three times running? #
  • Missing STUDio FC’s number 3 already! Respect to a legend! #
  • Drinking, in loving memory of a very good friend, jason, i say again, you are missed! #
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Jason Memories

Thu 06/03/2008 23:54 06032008096

Sums the legend up nicely. Always to be enjoyed, always fun.

1 Comment


Thu 06/03/2008 23:28 06032008095

Nice hair

1 Comment

Camera Toss

Wed 05/03/2008 20:48 05032008081

Credit has to go to Ryan Gallagher for this one. The daddy of camera tossing was in London teaching us how it’s done. I’ll add links to his stuff tomorrow, train home not best place

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