Valladolid – Spain Day 2 Exploring A Mexican


I’ve been meaning to finish off these posts and get them up ever since I got back from Spain, it really is time to do so. Over the next few days you will see, hopefully, lots of them going up.

After waking up bright and early, OK stop there, what a lie. Our flight in was delayed which meant we didn’t get into Madrid until very late, and then had a number of hour drive to Valladolid. Luckily Nicko didn’t fall asleep… unluckily Vicko did meaning Nicko had no clue where to go. Funny scenes as you veer across lanes and slip roads. We survived, and got back in time for a beer, but there is always time for a beer, even when its 3.30am.

The plan for the day was to check out a bit of the city, grab some Tapas and head to the pub for some rugby. Sounds like a good plan to me, especially when we added in the siesta and Mexican we were going to have for dinner.

I will talk more about Valladolid tomorrow, as by then we will have had a much more in depth look around the place and actually taken some pictures. For today, I only captured one thing and that’s the Bullring. Unsurprisingly, that’s where they do the Spanish tradition of Bull Fighting. A totally pointless, ridiculous activity (not even going to classify it as a sport), saying that though if there had been any on whilst I was there I would have liked to go. Cultural experience and all that.

Pub was good, rugby was bad, we played like tools but still won. Joining us in the pub were a couple of Nicko’s mates, an Irish guy (and his visiting parents) and a Welsh guy. Good laugh. But it was very quickly siesta time. Siesta time confuses the body clock a bit, meaning that dinner isn’t really dinner, much more of supper. In Spain it is customary to not go out for food until 9 or 10 oclock.

I’ve no idea on the details of the Mexican place we went to, maybe Nicko or Vicko will fill some of those into the comments section below, but the one thing to say is that it is important to like cheese. Nachos as a starter consisted of a massive bowl of melted cheese with some tortillas sticking in it. It was nice, the Jalapenos were a hell of a lot tastier than the ones we get over here. Main course was enchiladas, guess what, lots of cheese. Not as much as Vicko got though, described as a blanket because you could fold it back. Slightly strange and it got very sickly quite quickly. Picture time, look at the boys looking all happy…

With some heavy cheese sweats / cramps going on we heading to another bar for a quick couple then retired home. Day done… How did everyone get on with Day 1’s quiz?



  1. Nicko  •  Dec 11, 2009 @8:20 pm

    Loving the photo.
    The resteraunt was La Puneta (

    Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Vicko  •  Dec 11, 2009 @8:54 pm

    Lovely stuff…not so much the blanket of cheese!

  3. Celena  •  Feb 15, 2010 @8:27 am

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  4. Benny Sallings  •  Mar 17, 2010 @9:41 am

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  5. Techmafia  •  Mar 27, 2010 @3:39 pm

    Great Article,Thanks for Sharing

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