Day 4 is easy, it was a relatively quiet day. We got up, had some brekkie and headed out to one of the many Malls. We went to the Florida Mall, there are 270 something shops in there, so what a surprise that I still couldn’t find the stuff I was after. Did pick up a couple new things and had my first ever Taco Bell. OMG what a let down! There was chatter about it I caused on Jaiku a while back when I was in New York. The advice was mainly to stay well away, and I did for a time, but just couldn’t resist. Zach Epstein from The Boy Genius Report has to go next!
After this we headed to the airport to collect bro, he got in on time and we drove back to the house. I started drinking and kept drinking and we ended up rolling off to bed around 3 with a few sore heads expected in the morning.