Jun 28, 2008
Day 4 is easy, it was a relatively quiet day. We got up, had some brekkie and headed out to one of the many Malls. We went to the Florida Mall, there are 270 something shops in there, so what a surprise that I still couldn’t find the stuff I was after. Did pick up a couple new things and had my first ever Taco Bell. OMG what a let down! There was chatter about it I caused on Jaiku a while back when I was in New York. The advice was mainly to stay well away, and I did for a time, but just couldn’t resist. Zach Epstein from The Boy Genius Report has to go next!
After this we headed to the airport to collect bro, he got in on time and we drove back to the house. I started drinking and kept drinking and we ended up rolling off to bed around 3 with a few sore heads expected in the morning.

Jun 28, 2008
Uh oh, it appears I have gotten a couple of days behind. Luckily I’m waiting for my pizza to arrive, therefore have a couple of minutes to post some updates.
Day 3, the little beauty in the post here is not as suggested a Dinosaur, it is in fact an Alligator. There are over 2 million of these buggers in Florida, estimated of course. There are laws governing peoples interactions with Alligators in the wild, it is illegal to feed them at all. If you are caught feeding one it’s a hefty fine and upto 5 years in jail. They’re taking this one seriously folks. Back on topic, the gator in the picture is from a nature esq park called Silver Springs at Ocala (or just east of it). Firsly, bloody hot day, like 33-34 Celsius, luckily the park is built into an existing forest so the shade is always easy to find. There are two main selling points to the place, one the Alligators and two the glass bottom boats. First off we checked out the Alligators:

As you can see you can get nice and close, and we’re talking about there being only a thin piece of plastic between you and the big guy.

There was also feeding time, so the head keeper came along and fed the buggers. As you see in the movies they jumped up to get the food, impressive, but they didn’t fight for it like you see in the films. I’m thinking Indiana Jones when the baddies fall off the ladder at the end, that didn’t appear to happen, or were they Crocodiles?
After this it was time to go on the boat. The water you see is pure springs water, so its crystal clear. You can see hundreds of metres whilst underwater apparently. The lake has been used in many many films due to this quality. Creature from the black lagoon was filmed there.

Rubbish picture I know. After the boat there were a couple of demo’s by some of the keepers, playing with the baby gators and spiders and snakes etc. Good laugh and I got to stroke a real Albino Burmese Python.
Went out for dinner with everyone, had the best ribs ever!!!

Jun 26, 2008
So, after all the happenings of the last day 2 post I thought I best carry on with the rest of the day. After leaving the Saturn V room we went into a small cinema room where they were going to show the events of the Apollo 11 moon landed. It had a real life fake landing craft and everything. Now, I like to be very sceptical about the whole concept of the moon landing, did they actually go to the moon, or did they just go to Philadelphia? This show did little or nothing to prove either theory right or wrong.
Next stop on the bus tour was the future.
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Jun 25, 2008
Day 2, early start, well more just generally up early as I’m on the sofa bed in the living room and my uncle gets up for work at 5… Wakey Wakey.
Decided that today was the day to head over to the Kennedy Space Centre (Aka, NASA HQ), so those retards who guessed Disneyland yesterday were wrong.
Took a couple hours to drive over there, partly due to me programming the sat nav wrong and partly not having a map. KSC is located next door to Cape Canaveral, so you would rightly assume that Cape Canaveral Tours and Info would be a sensible place to head if KSC didn’t show on sat nav. Well no, we ended up at the University of Florida. Only a slight detour.
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