Jun 29, 2008

Now I’m an avid ShoZu user, if you check out my Flickr account you will see that almost all of my photos are uploaded using it. The only time I don’t is when I am in the States and the data charges would be astronomical. The point I am getting to however is
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Jun 19, 2008
I shall skip the boring parts of day 3, breakfast and morning work were boring as you can expect. Lunch picked up, we went to meet up with Eddie from www.eddie.com, he’s one of the assistant directors of the Spike Lee collaboration film called Nokia Productions (good name hey?!?), and more importantly, he is a thoroughly nice chap. He’d recommended that we go to this little French bistro in South Park. And very nice it was too, I was still bulging from breakfast and the site of the massive baguette was exactly what I needed. As we left Eddie took us on a brief tour of the landmarks, the building opposite was the Twitter HQ. I resisted twittering saying I was outside (just), now I kinda wish I had photo’ed, but to be honest it would have been a boring picture. The office looks more like a little secluded house, there was no forms of branding etc. The next place on the web 2.0 tour was the Organic building, where Wired is/was based and where Yahoo do a load of stuff. Uber interesting to see how unglamorous these places are.
Hotel, work, boring, prep for the event in the evening. The event went really well and everyone seemed to have a good time. I wont go into detail.
Afterwards we popped for another drink with Eddie, I don’t know where this bar was because Eddie drove, all I remember is an extensive list of whiskeys/gins on a chalk board. Sehr cool.
That’s day 3 done and dusted.