Nov 29, 2008
I woke up this morning, with a slightly sore head from the night before. On the drive home, I decided popping into Tesco Abingdon was a good idea to get some lunch. Quick sandwich and a bottle of Lucozade, sounds easy. Far from it, if only I had been a mystery shopper.
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Nov 13, 2008
This is the first time spam comments have made it past the WP spam filter. You can imagine how excited I was to see 7 comments waiting for my moderation over night!
Oct 25, 2008
This may seem like a strange thing to be writing about but for once something of cultural interest came up on a Channel 4 comedy show. Thursday night I was watching 8 out of 10 cats with the slick haired wonder himself Jimmy Carr, the format of the show is very straightforward. Two teams of funny people get asked stupid questions, which the audience have already recorded their answers of, they make jokes about it for a while until finally cutting to their legitimate answer in the hope they get some points / laughs. Nothing harmful in this, and usually nothing inspiring in this either, other than picking up a few new jokes or stories.
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Oct 25, 2008
This feels like something from the old school days, “tag, you’re it”, etc etc.
I got called out by good old Sylwia to answer some questions in the latest London MEME. So here goes…
1. Top three non-work websites:
BBC Sport
Last FM – then again I usually listen to this at work, does this count?
2. Three Favourite Cocktails:
Gin & Tonic – surprise surprise
Jager Bomb – “cocktail” honest
Citrus Shoot – I don’t know what’s in it, but its my tipple of choice in the Arbo’s
3. Top three Karaoke songs:
Breakstuff – Lim Bizkit : sorry
Broken Home – Papa Roach
Get Fighted – Alexisonfire
So now I guess it’s my turn to pass the buck as such, therefore I select Nick, Ryan and Snorlax. I wonder if it matters that non of these people are from London, hopefully not.
Oct 17, 2008
As the little kid starts to cry on the plane, the conversation ceases, the second headphone goes in and I submerse myself in the laptop once more and ask myself, “how long has that kid been crying?” Teaching me a lesson to not try and listen to Enter Shikari with only one headphone in.
Anyway, the point, what is it, kids + aeroplanes = disaster. I understand that they have to travel and get around in the same way as anyone does, what I don’t understand is how come they get all the good toys and colouring books! It just isn’t fair.
Oct 16, 2008
This is going to sound like a post which old Snorlaz would write over at Spes et Fatum, all emotional and feelingy. Personally, I feel like I’m having a tough time of it at the moment, lots of silly little things adding up etc. What amazed me was that a simple text saying that ‘everything would be ok’ from a close friend who means the world to me seemingly made everything ok. Maybe temporarily, maybe a little longer term, either way what a star.
So because of this I have decided to publicise her a little. Anyone who knows anything about art will understand how awesome these paintings are. I know nothing whatsoever about art and I think they rock (not just because they have boobs in them, helps though).
It’s just a shame she has such a rubbish camera, someone donate one?
Oct 13, 2008
As I type I’m on a BA plane, hurtling over the Atlantic. Why? N-Gage baby! Off to a photo shoot with a couple of other guys, one from the UK and one from Germany. Scott and Norman. They can’t see me posting this, as they BOTH got upgraded and I didn’t, not impressed. Luckily I’ve been stranded with a rather nice New Yorker called Rose who is keeping me entertained instead. Tough life…
Other than that I will hopefully be hanging out with some of the locals (shout if you are around and I’ll do my best to fit you into the schedule) and checking out some of the sites.
More to come…
Oct 7, 2008
Driving home from work today, listening to the radio as per usual, the wonders of Radio 5 live. The news came on, nothing different there of course, this happens every day. A story which I didn’t expect to hear was all about evolution. I know I know, not a new subject, in fact it has been around a fairly long time. Anyway…
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Oct 6, 2008
So far this story has only got me abused and shunned, yet I’m convinced it happened. It was not a dream, I did not imagine it, I actually saw a ghost.
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Oct 5, 2008
Well check me out, I got interviewed!
Sylwia Presley, a work colleague and good friend from emailed me over a few questions last week which I promptly answered. She published them up on Thursday. You can take a look at them here.