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Batman Characters Remade


This picture on the BBC website had me wondering what the hell Batman was doing fraternising with the enemy! For those not in the know thats Ribery and Demichelis of Bayern Munich.

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Cricket Montage


It is important to remember that I love Cricket, which is one of the reasons I started CricHatter and why I will be doing something cricket related most days during the summer.

Therefore on a dull, rainy afternoon I thought I’d put together a montage…

The other great thing about Cricket is playing Smacky Chest (yes Carl has a potty mouth so apologies for the language):

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Smithy’s Rant

cricket, football, random, tv

This is funny, partly because I know how much certain people hate James Corden, and partly because it is always good to see celebs taken down a peg.

Part of the Sports Relief show on Saturday night was a sketch done by James Corden, where he is pretending to be “Smithy”, who receives the Coach of the Year Award at Sports Personality. This then turns into a rant at the nations best athletes, well mainly rant, except for the flirting with Victoria Pendleton.

Some of them took it a lot better than others, Dame Kelly Holmes and Paula Radcliffe looked like they were going to cry / kill him. Freddie (I mean Andrew, but who cares?) Flintoff had a similar reaction, but from the work they have been doing together recently on Sky One he is either in on the gag and knew it was coming, or can’t have minded that much.

Nice timing on the Pendleton piece, she currently has a spot on our living room wall, she is the FHM calendar girl for March.


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Radley College Randomness


Sometimes funny things happen when you least expect them to (is that what makes them funny?).

I’ve recently been arranging pre-season Cricket nets for the club at one of the local colleges. I have selected to use Radley College as they have some of the best facilities in the area and because Straussy went there.

Radley College is over 150 years old, and very much set in its way. The cliché boys boarding school: no girls; lots of lessons; strange looking tutors; almost military discipline. Check out the grounds, oh yes they offer Golf as a sport and have their own course:

I would have gone there myself, but my hair is too long, and I quote:

No dyed or highlighted hair is allowed.

Hair should be kept neat, tidy and off the ears and collar at all times, but not excessively short.

Anyway, I digress from the story…

I emailed them earlier today, asking for confirmation of my booking after being told on the phone early last week that someone would get back to me ASAP with information. Nothing happened so I emailed. Now, I don’t know what goes on in Colleges like this, but the reply I got surprised me:

I told you about this lesbian just in case u cant remember, 3.30 down the road still, plus can drop off more leaflets and posters…..

It’s a lie, they didn’t tell me anything about lesbians, for a boys school this seems slightly off the cuff.

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Strange Driving Related Stuff

random, travel

Ok so I don’t think I’m very original here, but if I hadn’t seen it yet there is a semi decent chance some of you haven’t either. So I thought I’d share…

I don’t know the origins of this, and I can’t be bothered to look them up right now. But isn’t it funny? If I saw that drive past me I would want a picture of it. In the same way I wanted a picture of the Hummer I walked past earlier that had learner plates on it. Seriously, who learns in a f**king Hummer?

(disclaimer: not a real image)

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Evil Email


I knew my email was evil, but I never realised quite how evil it was…


In Flight Entertainment


I don’t very often write an article about funny things I see, hear or watch but this is just ace.

Thanks to Mr Adamson for showcasing this through Twitter. It’s a nice idea, and a really good conversation driver for the airline, how confident I would be stomping on a plane I don’t know. Also got me wondering if he raps the emergency protocols if the plane is crashing?

My favourite airline story is from when the Pilot on my EasyJet flight to Croatia (you saw about me going there right?), when he did his little introduction he reminded us all that it was a no smoking flight and promised anyone who was caught smoking would be put outside, this was after we had taken off, get it? The same chap, as we arrived said to take all our belongings with us, however if we were to forget anything then to feel free to check Ebay for them later. Funny, and got me talking about him for sure…

What is your best flight story? Comments below are a good place for them 😉

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A Difficult Decision


Which urinal would you choose to use? Of course this one is slightly aimed towards blokes. Imagine you walk into the bog at a pub and are faced with the set up above, there is currently no one else in the room but the pub is busy so its likely someone is close behind you.

Which would you use? I will post my thoughts later…


Can You Grow A Beard?


This goes out to all those unfortunate men and women who are unable to grow their own beards, I have come to the rescue!

On visiting the link you will see a façade for a legitimate building company, I’m sure somewhere they offer the desired service, maybe it’s a secret service which only the honoured receive?

Check out

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Skype On Tree


Brilliant, thank you @idreamelectric

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