I don’t suspect this is an even slightly original idea, but I thought I would do it anyway. What am I talking about? Take a screengrab of your top bookmarks on your mobile.
Mine is here:
Let me now explain what they are, most are very self explanatory…
1) Dabr – Best mobile Twitter client I have come across so far. Simple, works, and gives me everything I need. Easy to check updates, easy to post and easy to track searches/hashtags on the move.
2) Windows Live Hotmail – Hotmail email.
3) 1000heads – Work email.
4) Facebook – Obvious.
5) Google – I wonder?
6) National Rail – Cool wap service to check out train schedule, arrivals and departures.
7) BBC Mobile – Keep up with news and sport scores, not the most updated by the easiest to access.
So, how does yours look?