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A New Toy For Stalking


I spoke recently to people about how augmented reality was going to be the next big thing in mobile tech and this seems to be a big step in that direction.

Recognizr is an app which links a real person’s face to their social presences.

Recognizr works when the user points the camera at another person. Inbuilt face recognition software maps a 3D model of the subject and transmits the information to a remote server where it is matched with an identity already present in the database. This information is then sent back to the handset along with any relevant social networking information associated to that person, conveniently displayed above the persons head using little social icons.

Basically meaning that I can point this at strangers, and instantly follow them on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc…

Unfortunately, this only works on people who are signed up, so its more like stalking people who want to be stalked… not entirely sure if its still stalking if they want to be stalked?

Read more on The Next Web or check out the official page.


N97 Home Screen


What do you have on your home screen? Mine above has the usual clock, date and profile. Underneath this a batch of frequently used contacts (also known as favourites), originally I selected a really bad picture of each person for this, Donna’s is too bad to not censor out. The picture of Hannababe is the exception which proves the rule as I only had good ones of her. Grr.

App wise we have new message, browser, Google maps, Mobbler, contacts, BBC Iplayer, Gallery (which I don’t like), and Dabr.

Any recommendations?

I am currently working on sporting up the background A LOT!

Let me know.


Mobile Bookmarks


I don’t suspect this is an even slightly original idea, but I thought I would do it anyway. What am I talking about? Take a screengrab of your top bookmarks on your mobile.

Mine is here:

Let me now explain what they are, most are very self explanatory…

1) Dabr – Best mobile Twitter client I have come across so far. Simple, works, and gives me everything I need. Easy to check updates, easy to post and easy to track searches/hashtags on the move.
2) Windows Live Hotmail – Hotmail email.
3) 1000heads – Work email.
4) Facebook – Obvious.
5) Google – I wonder?
6) National Rail – Cool wap service to check out train schedule, arrivals and departures.
7) BBC Mobile – Keep up with news and sport scores, not the most updated by the easiest to access.

So, how does yours look?

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