Apr 15, 2008
Noticed this a couple of days ago but not had time to blog about it. As I’m getting more and more addicted to Twitter I have been paying more attention to Twitter news… and this is the latest and greatest! New Twitter search engine called Summize, see here. Summize is an existing search engine to find user opinion on products/people/anything.
Something I hadn’t noticed in my first look around was the ability to search by polarity of sentiment, according to Laughing Squid this is done by the emoticons in tweets. Very clever! So thanks to Laughing Squid, more accurately Scott Beale for this insight!
Mar 27, 2008
I know what you’re thinking… WTF?
There’s a competition, or tournament, not sure which, being ran on Twitter. Basically you join a team based on colours, then your team compete in challenges to find the superior colour. I am a proud member of the Orange Team, check out my branded picture on Twitter.
To join the Orange Team all you need to do is follow them on Twitter, whichever colour team you most recently began following is the team which you are officially a member of. At the moment we have around 450 members, the main competitors are the veryGreen team who have backing from top bloggers Pete Cashmore (Mashable), Hugh Macleod (GapingVoid) and Chris Brogan. You can follow the team numbers on this site.
The home page for Twitter Colour War can be found here.
Mar 10, 2008
You will have seen the constant Twitter feed been spamming along on the left hand sidebar, and daily post about the updates. The wonders of WordPress twitter plugins. My newest addition is to add my phone to the Twitter account. Now this basically means that when certain friends post to their Twitter feed, I get a text message with the update. There is a limit on 250 texts a week, but to be honest if I got anywhere near that many I’d turn it straight off.
Luckily, there is a feature to stop it texting you at night, by settings your “sleep” period. Mines set very conservatively so no trying to post Twitter updates in the middle of the night/early in the morning in an attempt to wake me up!