Funny People Names


The “most unfortunate names”, that’s how the BBC describe them, their top three are Justin Case, Barb Dwyer and Stan Still.

My personal favourite is probably Terry Bull… good stuff.

Read more about it.

And thanks to for the piccie above.

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Personal Twitter Stats


There is nothing much wrong with being on Twitter anymore, I remember when I signed up back in ‘07 that there was a certain level of faux pas about being on there. Now, well you’re nobody if you’re not on Twitter (yeah yeah I know those lyrics are probably copywrited to Ben – I’m sure you don’t mind mate?).

This sparked me to think… what was my first tweet? I can proudly say it was total rubbish! I mean total rubbish! Check it out below or here.

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Oh Gabbi


Oh Gabbi… you came and you brought me a siteeeee, on your weekend away from workeeee…

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Oxford Tuttle ( #oxtuttle )


I’ve spoken to so many people about this now I thought it was probably time to write myself a little post on it.

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Facebook Friends


Silly way of looking at Facebook friends list. Using Shozu it is possible to see how many friends from each alphabetic band you have. So as you can see clearly if your name starts with A – C you fall boringly into the crowd. T – Z you are all special!

P.s. I used Gimp 2 to botch the picture together.


Out With The Old, In With The New…


…I guess. As you can see this site has gone through a total redesign over the last week or so. I would be lying if I said this was a) planned, b) desired, c) finished.

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Mobile Bookmarks


I don’t suspect this is an even slightly original idea, but I thought I would do it anyway. What am I talking about? Take a screengrab of your top bookmarks on your mobile.

Mine is here:

Let me now explain what they are, most are very self explanatory…

1) Dabr – Best mobile Twitter client I have come across so far. Simple, works, and gives me everything I need. Easy to check updates, easy to post and easy to track searches/hashtags on the move.
2) Windows Live Hotmail – Hotmail email.
3) 1000heads – Work email.
4) Facebook – Obvious.
5) Google – I wonder?
6) National Rail – Cool wap service to check out train schedule, arrivals and departures.
7) BBC Mobile – Keep up with news and sport scores, not the most updated by the easiest to access.

So, how does yours look?

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Scolari Sacked


News just breaking on BBC news, via Reuters, Chelsea have reported fired manager Luiz Felipe Scolari.

More when it’s official I guess.

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Oxford Twestival (#oxtwestival)


I’m currently working on a couple of little side projects, the closest of which is Oxford Twestival on February 12th at the Cape of Good Hope in Oxford. I agreed to help organise this a little while ago now, and the date has flown up on us. By “us” I mean myself and my two accomplices: Jake and Sylwia. What is Twestival I hear you ask, well it’s basically an opportunity for people who know each other on Twitter to meetup in person and share a drink. Twestival is special because there are 175+ events being held simultaneously around the world all to raise money for the charity Water.

Why am I involved? Simply because I like to be involved in fun things like this, this is a great chance to meet more people in Oxford with similar interests and its of course all in aid of a good cause.

You can read more about what’s going on here:
You can follow the latest updates on what’s going on here:
And most importantly buy tickets here:

Hope to see you there, I’ll be the one in the hat.

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Trust Me – Best Snowman Ever


I was amazed when I pulled up at my parents place and saw this at the bottom of the road. This is more than a snowman, its a snow sculpture!

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