Aug 12, 2009

Check this little badger out, a map of Oxford with hotzones for where the crime is. The map covers Oxford as a sample because it is typical British city which has a demographic and levels of crime representative of the national average. The crime marked on the map is from November 07 – November 08.
You can see where I live… it’s under the big dark red patch on car crime, I aint surprised, remember this?

Mar 4, 2009
Yesterday I arrived in Australia, after leaving the UK the day before yesterday. What did it take to get here?
[5 minutes] Oxford Bus – From end of my road, to Oxford City Center
[90 minutes] The Airline Bus – From Oxford Bus Station, to Heathrow T5
[10 minutes] 482 Bus – From Heathrow T5, to Heathrow T4
[690 minutes] Qantas Aeroplane Flight QF030 – From London, to Hong Kong
[510 minutes] Qantas Aeroplane Flight QF030 – From Hong Kong, to Melbourne
[30 minutes] City Taxi – From Melbourne Airport, to Hotel
1335 minutes, not bad! That works out at 22 ¼ hours. Not taking into account all the waiting around time, there was plenty of that too…

Feb 20, 2009

I’ve spoken to so many people about this now I thought it was probably time to write myself a little post on it.
Continue Reading »

Feb 8, 2009

I’m currently working on a couple of little side projects, the closest of which is Oxford Twestival on February 12th at the Cape of Good Hope in Oxford. I agreed to help organise this a little while ago now, and the date has flown up on us. By “us” I mean myself and my two accomplices: Jake and Sylwia. What is Twestival I hear you ask, well it’s basically an opportunity for people who know each other on Twitter to meetup in person and share a drink. Twestival is special because there are 175+ events being held simultaneously around the world all to raise money for the charity Water.
Why am I involved? Simply because I like to be involved in fun things like this, this is a great chance to meet more people in Oxford with similar interests and its of course all in aid of a good cause.
You can read more about what’s going on here: http://oxford.twestival.com
You can follow the latest updates on what’s going on here: http://www.twitter.com/oxtwestival
And most importantly buy tickets here: http://www.amiando.com/twestivaloxford.html
Hope to see you there, I’ll be the one in the hat.