Aug 1, 2009
Something struck me when I was on the bus earlier, not a door or rogue bag, small child or scag head, but a thought. A thought which was sparked by one passing remark from an elderly passenger to another (yes you could say I was eavesdropping). The elderly lady was sitting in the single seat right at the front of the bus, the raised one which sits in front of the luggage holder, she must have been 70 or 80. An American family got on the bus, by family I mean Mom (get the American ref?) who was carrying little son on the chest and her Mom (I’m on fire here) who had the older daughter by the hand. The bus was full so they were forced to stand, just alongside me, poor buggers.
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Mar 4, 2009
Yesterday I arrived in Australia, after leaving the UK the day before yesterday. What did it take to get here?
[5 minutes] Oxford Bus – From end of my road, to Oxford City Center
[90 minutes] The Airline Bus – From Oxford Bus Station, to Heathrow T5
[10 minutes] 482 Bus – From Heathrow T5, to Heathrow T4
[690 minutes] Qantas Aeroplane Flight QF030 – From London, to Hong Kong
[510 minutes] Qantas Aeroplane Flight QF030 – From Hong Kong, to Melbourne
[30 minutes] City Taxi – From Melbourne Airport, to Hotel
1335 minutes, not bad! That works out at 22 ¼ hours. Not taking into account all the waiting around time, there was plenty of that too…

Feb 7, 2009

Who would have thought it hey? Luckily Lady Banana found a nice cheap way to advertise on buses, I thought why the devil not…