Me Being Advertised On A Bus


Who would have thought it hey? Luckily Lady Banana found a nice cheap way to advertise on buses, I thought why the devil not…

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Last FM Milestone


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Google Latitude Stalking


Who wants to be the first person to stalk me using Google Latitude?

Check it out here.


Cry For WP Related Help #1


Usually I post for the fun of it, just to share what the hell I’m doing. This time it’s totally different, this is a cry for help, I beg of thee out there who know what they are doing to help…

The first challenge, when I go to the Widgets page on WordPress 2.7 I have this problem:

The bottom two widgets are locked out, can only be removed if deactivated as a plugin. They cannot be moved or settings changed. As you can imagine this is damn annoying!


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Ice On The Car


Slightly unauthodox ice though…

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Brighton Fish and Chips


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Internet User Statistics


Comscore (via Techcrunch) have released their latest stats on global internet users. They have broken them down by region and volumes, which as you would expect has China at the top, with the USA second and Japan third.

I wanted to see how this related to population, similar to what I did for the Olympics and who should be winning medals. Straight to it (these are percentages of entire population):

Netherlands – 71.52
Canada – 65.07
UK – 59.58
South Korea – 56.64
USA – 53.44
France – 52.23
Japan – 46.99
Germany – 45.07
Spain – 39.08
Italy – 34.61
Russia – 20.47
Brazil – 14.54
China – 13.45
Mexico – 11.73
India – 2.81

So Netherlands are actually quite Internet savey, who would have thought it!?!

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Brighton Bloggers Meet


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Joanna Richardson Picture


Purely because she asked ever so nicely…

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No Wonder It Snowed


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