Walking In The Cotswolds


Went for a walk on Friday in the Cotswolds, drove up past my old uni (very emotional), and ended up in a very random little village / town called Colwall. You can see why I picked it 😉

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A Difficult Answer


Read this first, then read on below.

The anti argument for each:

Goes without saying that you cant use the child toilet, as that would just be weird!

A) You don’t want to known as the Gary Glitter of your friendship group, getting a nice view of the child’s toilet next to you. Also, what would you do if a dad came in with his son, you can hardly finish off quick sharp and move now can you…

B) A popular choice, if you don’t mind the potential for being joined by a small child next to you you are looking good.

C) At first this appears to be the obvious choice, however you have to consider the next person coming in, you wouldn’t dream of putting them in a position of choosing between either pissing next to you, or by a child!

D) This one is ok, until someone needs to use the hand dryer, then they have a perfect view over your shoulder. Now nobody wants that do they! There is also the silent eyeballing you will get for not using the end urinal.

E) BSSSHHHHH the second you get near it the hand dryer goes off, the second you move, the hand dryer goes off. You don’t need that sort of distraction!

So, I guess there are 3 options, B, the floor or the sink!


A Difficult Decision


Which urinal would you choose to use? Of course this one is slightly aimed towards blokes. Imagine you walk into the bog at a pub and are faced with the set up above, there is currently no one else in the room but the pub is busy so its likely someone is close behind you.

Which would you use? I will post my thoughts later…


Terminate The Rate


I pay £45 a month for my contract which gets me unlimited everything… this is still a hell of a lot of money a month! I’m involved in a campaign to lower these monthly charges for good, the campaign is called Terminate The Rate and is all about lower mobile termination rates is what your operator charge you to connect you to another network.

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Lords Day Trip


No not the houses of Lords, I mean the cricket place, it was a Twenty 20 World Cup warm up day. Which basically meant two games, firstly South Africa vs. Sri Lanka, followed up by England vs. West Indies.

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Asus 1008HA Saga Part3


I’m not calling this the final chapter in the saga because I do not want to tempt fate… but the bloody thing has continued to work and making me love it again!

Pray that this keeps up and that I only have to say nice things about my Asus 1008HA in the future.


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Asus 1008HA Saga Part2


Sunday morning I submitted my replacement request to Dabs.com for the Asus 1008HA which is playing up. I also received a reply from the Asus Support team, who have asked me to arrange a repair collection. What was stupid was stating that I should only send them the battery, duh it’s a built in battery…

Anyway, I thought I’d test the machine out again last night, and WTF it worked fine off the power mains. I’ve no idea why, but I am quite excited by testing it out again tonight and hoping that it still works!

Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted…

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Asus 1008HA Saga Part1


Let the saga begin..

I feel there is going to be a little (a lot) of ‘told ya so’s’ flying in my direction over the next few days, but anyway I did go ahead and buy an Asus 1008HA last week and it arrived on Wednesday. I love it, it is insanely small and brilliant to use, the keyboard is a tapping pleasure.

However, last night I used it plugged into the mains for a couple of hours then went to bed, unplugging the machine from the mains. It turned off and wouldn’t come back on unless plugged into the mains. I thought, maybe it’s the battery overheating or something so installed speed fan to take a look at the temperatures, everything seems fine. Opened control panel to check the battery levels, maybe its not charging properly from the mains – status 100%.

Went to bed and hoped for the best this morning, but as expected really the problem continues. I have emailed the Asus support team (no phone number WTF?), I have pestered @asusuk on twitter and generally mabe a little stinking noise about it. I made a video of it happening too…

Any ideas?

P.s. who likes my duvet?


How Very Alcopopular3


You may have been wondering what my tweets were about that look a little strange with random first words and referencing http://tinyurl.com/alcopopular3. Well I shall explain, of course if you’ve been to that URL already then you will know something about it, but this is for those who haven’t bothered.

Basically Alcopopular3 is the latest compilation from Alcopop records, this is slightly different though, its only available as a bottle or mp3’s. Brilliant!

Anyway, the tweets, I got exclusive access to the tracks, a perk of knowing Jakkychamp, and each day for the next two weeks I will be reviewing a track in one tweet. The first word is the band name. So yeah keep an eye out and see what you think, hopefully I will drive some sales – LOL.

Proud to have received a special mention already!


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Bupa 10k Result

bupa 10k

Run run run… that pretty much describes my bank holiday Monday. Yep the time had for me to take on 10k of London’s famous streets, starting at Green Park and hopefully finishing back along the Mall…

Had to get up to London for a 10am start, meant a nice and early 7am train, good start! Met up with rest of the team and we were ready to go:

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