The Anatomy Of A Facebook Meme


This is definitely the worst thing I have ever read on Mashable! Ok maybe worst is a little harsh. I am a big fan of Mashable and think that a lot of the insight there is great and of huge use to the readers. However this isn’t the case for this article, I have read some of Dan Zarrella’s other stuff and I thought it was good, but this piece co-authored by Alison Driscoll is weak.

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Quality of Internet Writing


I have just read this article by Valerie Stevens. I cannot pass comment on the quality of paid content, because I never pay for content. However moving swiftly onto Sheree Zielke’s thoughts on writing quality, personally I couldn’t give a monkeys what a professional writer thinks of my grammar, tone, context and for the record I like rambling on in long sentences which don’t go anywhere.

I have no aspirations or misconceptions that I am a quality writer, but who’s complaining? Anyone? Other than Sheree of course. If you think I need to sort out what I’m writing let me, so I can ignore you and go on as I am. 😀

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Melbourne Day 9 – Laaazzzyyyy


Insanely lazy day today, anyone would think I drank too much the day before… in fact I will blame it on work requirements.

What I did do though was plan lots of stuff for the final two days I was in Aus. And I got Pizza…

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Melbourne Day 8 – Piss up


Plan of action for today, Grampians, annoyingly every tour was full so it was a no go. Instead, it seemed fitting to meet up with Hastinio who I lived with at Uni. Lunch and a quick pint as ever turned into a couple of pints, then a couple of pints and a bottle of wine, then a couple of pints and a couple bottles of wine, then the gin started. Messy afternoon and evening, but brilliant fun!

Lunch was courtesy of Pugg Mahones, then we moved onto the Melbourne Rooftop Bar / Cinema before hitting Softbelly again.

Big thank you to him and his t’other half Duffinio.

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Wantage Cricket Club Website


I’ve been neglecting this site a little bit over the last few days, honestly I have an excuse. I have been spending my time working on one of my other sites, the Wantage & Grove Cricket Club site.

Been playing around with the html code, the design and even some PHP stuff, get me hey! Have a look and let me know what you think, it is not fully working yet so bits and bobs are still missing unfortunately.

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Melbourne Day 7 Afternoon – The Great Ocean Road


Sorry for quitting out and splitting this post into two, fatigue kicked in and no more blogging was upon me. No I would like to follow on and continue after lunch. For the record lunch was Chicken Schnitzel (it’s a favourite over there so you have to try), it wasn’t bad and it was free with the tour package I had purchased so can’t complain.

Moving on from Apollo Bay we took a good hours drive to, and this is where it starts to get very good, the 12 Apostles. Now this was an incredible place, the views are breathtaking, simple enough this is a formation of rocks sticking out of the sea (one of which recently fell over). I will leave the pictures to do the talking…

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Melbourne Day 7 Morning – The Great Ocean Road


Up bright and early thanks to some calls from the UK, thought about going back to sleep but instead went down to reception and asked if they could get me on a tour which started verrrryyyy soon. Basically I went to reception at 7:30 to get me on a tour starting at 7:45 from a few blocks away. Somehow they managed it.

And the tour, as I guess you have already twigged was the Great Ocean Road tour courtesy of ATP Tours. Twas pretty busy, which was a shame because it meant I had to sit on the right hand side of the bus, and for the entire day the Ocean was on the left. Ah well.

Let me start at the beginning…

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Bupa London 10k


eptlogoEctopic Pregnancy Trust

The team blog

The team Facebook group

My sponsorship page

Look at it this way, if everyone who is friends with me on Facebook sponsors me £1 and everyone who follows me on Twitter sponsors me £1 I will have around £1000.

So get to it people! For the record, you will be seeing all of these links A LOT over the next few months.

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New Facebook Bug


There seems to be a bit of banter going around on Facebook at the moment about the new design which they have just launched.

It appears it is causing more fundamental errors, check out the time that someone wrote on my wall…


Melbourne Day 6 – Cars, Girls and Tours


How random is it the ways in which you find things to do… Went down to reception this morning to buy some more internet time and found a leaflet on the counter advertising the Melbourne Motorshow and today was the last day. I thought why the devil not!

So I went to the Motorshow at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, to be honest it was a little bit of a let down. It was set up more as one big car showroom for selling purposes rather than a hall with lots of crazy concept cars and prototypes etc. There were some highlights though, the F1 car (obviously as the first GP of the season is a couple of weeks away in Melbourne), there were also a lot of very attractive models fashioning the cars. Never have I come up with so many pointless questions to ask…

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