Feb 10, 2010
Oh yay its Sunday, the day of rest, the day built for relaxing and doing very little. I don’t know why they have Sundays in Spain, every day seems like a Sunday…
The day started off in a similar way to which the last had finished, with a nice beer. After getting up and stuff we headed to a local Tapas place for food. More details which I can’t remember about, the name of the place we went to and the name for the drink we had. It was basically lager with a load of lemon cordial in it. Very refreshing, perfect for that early drink. The Tapas here was also better than the stuff from the day before (did I mention we had Tapas the day before?), highlight was definitely the croquet style yummyness.

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Dec 11, 2009
I’ve been meaning to finish off these posts and get them up ever since I got back from Spain, it really is time to do so. Over the next few days you will see, hopefully, lots of them going up.
After waking up bright and early, OK stop there, what a lie. Our flight in was delayed which meant we didn’t get into Madrid until very late, and then had a number of hour drive to Valladolid. Luckily Nicko didn’t fall asleep… unluckily Vicko did meaning Nicko had no clue where to go. Funny scenes as you veer across lanes and slip roads. We survived, and got back in time for a beer, but there is always time for a beer, even when its 3.30am.
The plan for the day was to check out a bit of the city, grab some Tapas and head to the pub for some rugby. Sounds like a good plan to me, especially when we added in the siesta and Mexican we were going to have for dinner.
I will talk more about Valladolid tomorrow, as by then we will have had a much more in depth look around the place and actually taken some pictures. For today, I only captured one thing and that’s the Bullring. Unsurprisingly, that’s where they do the Spanish tradition of Bull Fighting. A totally pointless, ridiculous activity (not even going to classify it as a sport), saying that though if there had been any on whilst I was there I would have liked to go. Cultural experience and all that.

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Jun 12, 2009

No not the houses of Lords, I mean the cricket place, it was a Twenty 20 World Cup warm up day. Which basically meant two games, firstly South Africa vs. Sri Lanka, followed up by England vs. West Indies.
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Apr 11, 2009
Who says Easter isn’t a BBQ time? Or more accurately a Barkee-B-Q…

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Mar 28, 2009
Insanely lazy day today, anyone would think I drank too much the day before… in fact I will blame it on work requirements.
What I did do though was plan lots of stuff for the final two days I was in Aus. And I got Pizza…

Mar 22, 2009
Plan of action for today, Grampians, annoyingly every tour was full so it was a no go. Instead, it seemed fitting to meet up with Hastinio who I lived with at Uni. Lunch and a quick pint as ever turned into a couple of pints, then a couple of pints and a bottle of wine, then a couple of pints and a couple bottles of wine, then the gin started. Messy afternoon and evening, but brilliant fun!
Lunch was courtesy of Pugg Mahones, then we moved onto the Melbourne Rooftop Bar / Cinema before hitting Softbelly again.
Big thank you to him and his t’other half Duffinio.

Mar 12, 2009
How random is it the ways in which you find things to do… Went down to reception this morning to buy some more internet time and found a leaflet on the counter advertising the Melbourne Motorshow and today was the last day. I thought why the devil not!
So I went to the Motorshow at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, to be honest it was a little bit of a let down. It was set up more as one big car showroom for selling purposes rather than a hall with lots of crazy concept cars and prototypes etc. There were some highlights though, the F1 car (obviously as the first GP of the season is a couple of weeks away in Melbourne), there were also a lot of very attractive models fashioning the cars. Never have I come up with so many pointless questions to ask…

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Mar 9, 2009
Yay breakfast.
For lunch we went over to The Celtic Club, which appeared more like a members club or British legion than a bar but anyway they did good burgers.
The afternoon was dedicated to the MTUB (Melbourne Twitter Underground Brigade) meet-up in honour of STA Travel and Earn Your Stripes. We all met up at Softbelly (as mentioned here) and it was a great chance to share a few beers with some great locals.
After which we went for Chinese, got fed a lot of VERY strange stuff I had little idea about. I think there were prawn dumplings (where the dumpling had the texture of skin) along with custard puddings (as a starter). Some of it was brilliant, some less so.