Dear Jonathan Ross…


Dear Jonathan Ross…

I saw you presenting the BAFTAs last night and thought you did an excellent job. However I saw the part where the guy from Gavin and Stacey threatened to take the job away from you next year and when they cut to you there was a sense of resignation in your expression. Is he bullying you? Has Dickie Bird Attenborough been covering it up? With him gone now, I’m sure if you go and tell Prince William about the problems he will help!

If he can’t let me know, I have a contact number for Mr T (found it on the back of a Snickers wrapper), or if you get really desperate we can call Chuck Norris (If you say his name 9 times backwards whilst holding a transformers car he appears).

Hope the family is well.


Colin M

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Starship Troopers CGI


Tonight was spent watching Starship Troopers, with the lovely Denise Richards, Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer and a bunch of others (who cares hey?). Why I hear you scream, well I got bored of the program that was on about Hiroshima…

Just to clear that opening sentence up a bit, Denise Richards plays one of the main parts in the film, I didn’t mean that I was watching it with her. That would have been ace, but unlikely, unless she is reading this and would like to sort something out?

One thing which interested me was a comment from someone I was watching it with, they said that the CGI was terrible and having not seen the film before assumed that it had been carried on the strength of its CGI in the past rather than the story. I actually think the CGI is pretty impressive, the Spaceships are damn cool, and the Insects are pretty advanced. Especially the landscape scenes where there are thousands of Insects attacking all with separate motion patterns.

More importantly, back to Denise Richards, I looked up her IMDB earlier, and apparently has a film out late last year called ‘Deep In The Valley’. Now on hearing this you assume Welsh Porno, which doesn’t appear to be too far off the mark. Denise plays someone called Autumn Bliss, pornstar much? Off to Blockbusters I think…


Sat Nav Test

tech, travel

So today I was lucky enough to take delivery of a Mio Moov Spirit V505 from Brands2Life. The in car Sat Nav system which as a little quirk works as a built in TV as well, this isn’t something which I’ll be fiddling too much with today though.

Tonight we are driving to London, to a part of London we haven’t driven to before so an accurate Sat Nav will be a lifesaver. First thoughts on the Mio are good, the big buttons make everything easy to do, and I’m sure even easier when driving along! I have already been able to program in the destination for later which saves time, I don’t have a GPS signal in my room to plan the route however, which is no surprise as I struggle for Vodafone signal as well.

As a comparison I will also have my N97 out, to test out the new(ish) free Ovi Maps navigation support. It’s about time this service became free, could this be the thing which clinches the mobile Sat Nav marked? And probably more importantly pushes Nokia users to use Ovi services instead of Google ones… Until now I have always been a Google Maps man so we will have to wait and see how it goes. My main concern is battery life, I some what doubt the N97 can handle 2 hours worth of ‘doing’ without a charge.

So what points will I be comparing:

  • Time taken to plan out the route
  • The planned route
  • Accuracy of route
  • Appropriate warning times
  • Display + Instructions
  • Anything else which comes up

A Matter Of Perspective


Yes indeed, it is all a matter of perspective, looking at the above picture, what you don’t realise is that each of those desktops are the same size!

Ok so that is bollocks, but I hope you are enjoying the view of my Nokia N97 + Asus EEE PC + Samsung 32” LCD. Each one has a very important part to play in my working set up at the moment, as you can see below…

All that tech, and still probably the most important thing is the note pad and pen… weird hey?

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Valladolid – Spain Day 3 Roasting The Stadium


Oh yay its Sunday, the day of rest, the day built for relaxing and doing very little. I don’t know why they have Sundays in Spain, every day seems like a Sunday…

The day started off in a similar way to which the last had finished, with a nice beer. After getting up and stuff we headed to a local Tapas place for food. More details which I can’t remember about, the name of the place we went to and the name for the drink we had. It was basically lager with a load of lemon cordial in it. Very refreshing, perfect for that early drink. The Tapas here was also better than the stuff from the day before (did I mention we had Tapas the day before?), highlight was definitely the croquet style yummyness.

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Last Day At 1000heads


Yes it is true, today is my last day working for 1000heads.

In my 3 ½ years I have been an Account Assistant, WOM Analyst, Relationship Exec/Manager, and a Community Exec. Now its time for a change, to move onto pastures new and put my hand to something different, what or where this will be you will just have to wait and see. Many of you will have seen my commute rants over the last few months, this has of course had a massive influence on my decision.

A lot of people reading this will have met me, been introduced to me, had the misfortune of me contacting them because of my work at 1000heads. I would like to thank everyone I’ve been involved with, it has been an excellent experience and would not change a minute of it. Well maybe the 5am start to get to Manchester to sit on a street corner for 8 hours in the rain.

A couple of confessions which I have to admit to:

1) I once intentionally wasted 3 staples.
2) I once lost a pen under a train.
3) I once left a business card on a plane with the hope the Stewardess would find it.

I just hope that I can be forgiven for these misdemeanors and that they are not held against me in the future.

Tonight sees a small leaving bash with the ‘heads crew, this may get messy, as has been known in the past. I’m thinking London Beer Fest, Away Day @ Oxford Four Pillars, any Xmas / Bday outing and many more.

I have always kept my work there and my writing / thoughts here very separate so nothing is going to change there. If anything it will give me a little more license to express myself how I wish. Cue brand ranting.

Now all the dirt from the inside… just kidding!


Venture Into The Cold Wilderness


This weekend I went over to Bristol for my Bro’s birthday din dins. A group of us went to Zero Degrees for pizza, good pizza at that! Thanks to @photobliss @ghosts_galleons @jefffo @mercer182 for making it an ace evening.

However this is not what I want to talk about… I want to show you where I went on the way to pick another (non tweeting) friend.

In the middle of no where, down a steep hill (that was fun in the snow) we came across his little ‘hippie compound’. A couple of tent houses, they’re called Turks apparently, one for the family and one for my mate. We had a little walk around in the woods, a couple of snaps below. Everything there is outdoors, the kitchen, toilets, showers etc outside, it was cold, very cold.

But the view is almost certainly worth it (click the images for the large view)!

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Use Formspring To Question Me


I came across an interesting site whilst perusing the internet last night:

The premise of the site is simple, answer questions, but in a different way to Yahoo Answers. Here you answer questions which people have directly asked of you. I see potentially here for corporate use as well as personal, I’m just having mine as a bit of fun. So, if you have any burning questions to ask me fire away!

[Disclaimer: I do not promise to answer truthfully.]

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I Can Haz Shn0wBall


Yep that’s right, come near my house and you’ll get Shn0wBalled. Eric is on guard!


The lesson here is not to let your house mates build snowmen in the dark, good effort hey? Eric lasted 3 days, until he got his head chopped off… we needed to get cars on the drive again.

The real shame is that he couldn’t defend himself from the dog that pissed on him…

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Shine Manchester 2010 (#shine2010)



I like Charity and I like the challenge of fundraising. What I don’t like is having no control over where my hard earned cash goes. This means I like the new Cancer Research fundraising fest that is Shine. You have the control, you choose which part of the Charity the money goes towards and fight a specific type of Cancer. Nice touch.

What is shine? A walk of only 13 miles or if you’re a real man 26 miles through Manchester in the middle of the night. Sounds like fun, who’s Sofa can I crash on?

To help spread the word of Shine, the challenge is to answer the following question: “What will make you shine in 2010 #shine2010?” Making sure that everything is hashtagged #shine2010.

That explains my tweet yesterday yes?

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