Evil Email


I knew my email was evil, but I never realised quite how evil it was…


Billy Talent


Last night I trekked all the way to London town to see Billy Talent at the Brixton Academy. They were excellent!

First up was a band from Canada called Cancer Bats, I have heard lots of their stuff in the past on CD and Spotify etc. But live, not good, partly because the sound was terrible, there was just something about the performance which didn’t quite seem right. Some very fake comments between songs – “Lets make this the best night of our lives”, and others. This led to concerns before Billy T started along the lines of the bad sound quality, however they were totally unfounded.

Billy T sounded great, the mix was just right and they played exceptionally tight. Always helps when you know the 3 albums they have, no songs sneak past. The crowd involvement during Devil on my shoulder worked! Its such a brilliant line, and the melody is just top notch!

You can see more of my pictures here. Were you there?

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New Gadget


With the new TV, I’ve connected my desktop up so it acts as the monitor. Its rather good fun having a 32” LCD for Photoshop… but it is also ace for watching Films / TV, as mentioned couple days ago I am watching back through every episode of Doctor Who. The only problem is that this is a 200gb file set and with the other stuff I have on my desktop I do not have enough space for this. My 580gb of HD space is no longer enough.

The only option, buy a new hard drive. Storage is just so insanely cheap these days it was a very simple decision. I jumped onto Ebuyer.com to check out what is available, and decided that an external drive was the best option. My internal drive is a Seagate Barracuda, and it has always been fine so I have stuck with Seagate, and picked up a 1TB external drive for £73.

The other good news, its not being sent by Royal Mail as per the seller’s website, UPS have it in their van right now on it’s way to me, lets hope it comes before I have to leave the office for #oxtuttle.


In Flight Entertainment


I don’t very often write an article about funny things I see, hear or watch but this is just ace.

Thanks to Mr Adamson for showcasing this through Twitter. It’s a nice idea, and a really good conversation driver for the airline, how confident I would be stomping on a plane I don’t know. Also got me wondering if he raps the emergency protocols if the plane is crashing?

My favourite airline story is from when the Pilot on my EasyJet flight to Croatia (you saw about me going there right?), when he did his little introduction he reminded us all that it was a no smoking flight and promised anyone who was caught smoking would be put outside, this was after we had taken off, get it? The same chap, as we arrived said to take all our belongings with us, however if we were to forget anything then to feel free to check Ebay for them later. Funny, and got me talking about him for sure…

What is your best flight story? Comments below are a good place for them 😉

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My Current Addictions


This is kind of bad, is Grand Theft Auto 4 on the Xbox 360. I have had the game since very close to when I bought the Xbox last year. I got stuck though, and haven’t played it for a long time. But recently I thought what the hell and got it out to see how it looked on the new TV.

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This Silly BNP Fiasco


Shhh, I’m sneakily writing a little article on my lunch break, don’t tell anyone from work…

So far today the radio has really annoyed me, all this talk of the BNP being on the BBC’s Question Time tonight, basically it’s all a load of crap. I am 99% against the BNP, what they are and what they stand for. This post is not promoting what they do or what they believe in, it does kind of contradict itself soon though…

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Google Wave Song


“Google give us a wave, Google Google give us a wave….



I can see it now being sung, football hooligan style at all IT conventions across the globe. Back to the point, I have Wave now (thanks to Sylvia), shout if you want my ID, or drop me yours. IF I know you I might even add you as a contact.

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Gig Spotlight – Idlewild


I have been a busy boy, gigs here there and everywhere, I will strive to write a bit more about each over the comings days! For now, you will have to settle for a couple of pictures from Idlewild at the O2 Academy Oxford on Sunday night.

Check out the rest on Flickr, or check out where I’ve been / going on my Last.FM account.

Were you there? Get in touch!

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The New TV


Last weekend I finally bit the bullet so to speak and splashed out on a new TV. My existing one had been playing up for a little while (random flickering and blurry lines across the screen) so a change was certainly needed.

After a little research, and some advice from people here there and everywhere I settled myself on a Samsung LE32B530.

Have a read of its features here, I will put some live shots up later.


Red Revolver


I’m as cool as Crunkfish because I too rule and have completed Red Revolver.

He did it first, and I blame him for me having to play it… what a game!

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