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New Facebook Bug


There seems to be a bit of banter going around on Facebook at the moment about the new design which they have just launched.

It appears it is causing more fundamental errors, check out the time that someone wrote on my wall…


Personal Twitter Stats


There is nothing much wrong with being on Twitter anymore, I remember when I signed up back in ‘07 that there was a certain level of faux pas about being on there. Now, well you’re nobody if you’re not on Twitter (yeah yeah I know those lyrics are probably copywrited to Ben – I’m sure you don’t mind mate?).

This sparked me to think… what was my first tweet? I can proudly say it was total rubbish! I mean total rubbish! Check it out below or here.

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Oxford Tuttle ( #oxtuttle )


I’ve spoken to so many people about this now I thought it was probably time to write myself a little post on it.

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Oxford Twestival (#oxtwestival)


I’m currently working on a couple of little side projects, the closest of which is Oxford Twestival on February 12th at the Cape of Good Hope in Oxford. I agreed to help organise this a little while ago now, and the date has flown up on us. By “us” I mean myself and my two accomplices: Jake and Sylwia. What is Twestival I hear you ask, well it’s basically an opportunity for people who know each other on Twitter to meetup in person and share a drink. Twestival is special because there are 175+ events being held simultaneously around the world all to raise money for the charity Water.

Why am I involved? Simply because I like to be involved in fun things like this, this is a great chance to meet more people in Oxford with similar interests and its of course all in aid of a good cause.

You can read more about what’s going on here:
You can follow the latest updates on what’s going on here:
And most importantly buy tickets here:

Hope to see you there, I’ll be the one in the hat.

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Google Latitude Stalking


Who wants to be the first person to stalk me using Google Latitude?

Check it out here.


An Oxite’ing Time


Is it time to move away from WordPress and use Microsoft’s new “content management system” named Oxite? It probably isn’t yet, in a few years maybe, depending on community uptake and customisation of the service.

Read Write Web on the matter.


How To…


Everyone knows how “with-it” Mashable is, they’re at the forefront of social media news and goings on. I’m sure everyone with an interest in the space subscribes to it and frequently reads to check whats going on.

Even though they have been doing this for a while, I thought I would mention some of the “How to…” articles they have published recently. How to use Google Reader which has just been refreshed, also how to use Google Maps.

Good read, enjoy!

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Pownce A ByeBye


Old news now, but Pownce yesterday announced it was going to be closing it’s doors. Not something I am too worried about, never been a huge Pownce advocate / user. What I am more interested in is where the Pownce (“Powncers”?) team are going next, Six Apart.

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What’s Your Twitter Grade?


Just seen a post by Sylwia Presley about Twitter grading, so I thought I would check myself out. Globally I’m not doing great, however in Oxford, apparently I am 3rd. with Dons 4th. Ace, thanks Sylwia!

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Hey sir-rah sir-rah

football, socialmedia

Hey sir-rah sir-rah, whatever will be will, we’re going to Wembley, Hey sir-rah sir-rah. I felt like singing this all the way to London on Saturday on my way to Wembley. However I thought better of it as its highly unlikely the rest of the bus wanted to listen to that for 2 hours. Who knows though hey?

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