Can You Grow A Beard?


This goes out to all those unfortunate men and women who are unable to grow their own beards, I have come to the rescue!

On visiting the link you will see a façade for a legitimate building company, I’m sure somewhere they offer the desired service, maybe it’s a secret service which only the honoured receive?

Check out

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Time Is Running Out

bupa 10k

Yes time is running out (one pun intended), only 3 days to go until the big run on Monday 25th. Starting to get slightly nervous, my training has been extremely disrupted due to the start of the cricket season and by additional work shiz.

Therefore, I haven’t been for a long distance run in over 3 weeks, and haven’t done more than 6.5K at once. Making the 10k on Monday feel a little daunting…

Anyway the plan for the day will be to live location to my Sports Tracker account, and record a couple of QIK vids before and after. During if I get the urge but that is very very unlikely. I will put a post up on Sunday with all the details you would need to follow my “efforts”.

Finally, still plenty of time to sponsor me, need a few more to hit my target of £350, so anything you can spare would be hugely appreciated! Simple go here:

Wish me luck!

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Gallows In Oxford


Last Friday I went to see Gallows at the O2 Academy in Oxford. It’s the first time I’ve seen a gig in the new and improved large downstairs room there and I have to say I was pretty impressed. I have very simple criteria for when I’m at a gig:

Can I see the band?
Is the sound good?
Can I get to the bar?

Of course Gallows were their usual awesome selves, midway singer Frank Carter got bored and went and partied on the middle bar instead of the stage. The bar staff didn’t seem to like the idea too much…

Gallows have also made a good start into social media, they have a Myspace (what band doesn’t?) but they were talking to the venue organizers in the days leading up to the show through Twitter, they also have a Youtube and a LastFm, a good start chaps!

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Daddy Needs A New Toy


I need a new toy, and I think I have decided what it will be…

Have you seen the Asus 1008HA Seashell? Looks mighty nice to me, and it looks like it works, yes of course looks can be deceiving, will play before I buy.

Slashgear have my favourite picture so far:

I wonder why?

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Skype On Tree


Brilliant, thank you @idreamelectric

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Dear Mr Walkers…


Dear Gary Linekar (Or whom it concerns at Walkers)

I am an avid fan of yours, a keen Match of the Day viewer and a followers of the Master golf whenever you are in charge, I even have a friend who used to live down the road from you!

Thank you very much for making larger size bags, they are very satisfying and filling. However can you please stop making them appear emptier when I open them? This leads to disappointment on opening and a lack of sensation for the first few crisps. I feel it should be an important part of any package campaign to give the right impression throughout, so to help you out a little I have drawn a little picture:

As you can see, I would rather have fewer crisps and a smaller bag which appears fuller, than an oversized bag which appears half full.

I hope you can take this onboard when planning your next bag sizes.

Kind regards


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Somewhere That Makes You Happy?


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Would You Wear These?



Free Media Censorship


Mashed in-between all the news reports of Swine Flu killing the entire world, I heard a story on the radio this morning about Fiji and the media censorship going on there. From a little research it doesn’t appear to be a new story so I won’t go into too much detail. By all accounts the new chief has put restrictions on the Fijian media, kicked out all foreign journo’s and shut down the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s radio transmitters – source: Brisbane Times and ABC Australia.

Working in the word of mouth world, censorship is an issue which comes up from time to time, so the issues resonated some what.

My favourite part of this story is the Fiji Daily Posts’ daily posts… as they have also been censored and are not allowed to cover what is really going on, they have started writing about extremely interesting topics like paing drying, a man getting on a bus and most excitingly, about breakfast.

Weird times.

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My Car Got Broken Into…


… Yes the perfect start to any Monday morning… walking out to the car and finding this;

Head instantly drops and you know it’s going to be one of those days… window smashed, doors unlocked, however no sign of entry and nothing of value in there to pinch. The steering column in tack and there is no sign of tampering on the key barrel.

So basically either someone did this for “fun” and legged it, or bottled it, or got interrupted. Either way means I now have to foot the repair bill and not have a car for a number of days until its fixed. Luckily it will be locked in a garage now until then…

Couple more pictures on my flickr stream here.

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