Oxford Crime Map


Check this little badger out, a map of Oxford with hotzones for where the crime is. The map covers Oxford as a sample because it is typical British city which has a demographic and levels of crime representative of the national average. The crime marked on the map is from November 07 – November 08.

You can see where I live… it’s under the big dark red patch on car crime, I aint surprised, remember this?

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The Broken Interweb


What an exciting afternoon, with Twitter down, Facebook struggling and Flickr hiccupping. Turns out that Twitter was being DDos’ed… no idea on Facebook or Flickr.

What more could you want from a day? Begs the question why the hell I’m writing about this…

Some Twitter coverage here on their blog, their status blog and on Wired. Facebook stuff can be read about on Mashable and I think I made up the rest.



N97 Home Screen


What do you have on your home screen? Mine above has the usual clock, date and profile. Underneath this a batch of frequently used contacts (also known as favourites), originally I selected a really bad picture of each person for this, Donna’s is too bad to not censor out. The picture of Hannababe is the exception which proves the rule as I only had good ones of her. Grr.

App wise we have new message, browser, Google maps, Mobbler, contacts, BBC Iplayer, Gallery (which I don’t like), and Dabr.

Any recommendations?

I am currently working on sporting up the background A LOT!

Let me know.


Dubrovnik – Croatia Day 5


After the exerts of yesterday morning we decided we deserved a lie in, nothing stupid, but not having an alarm on for 6. Instead we turned the phone upside down and got up at 9, lucky really as we found out in the morning that we had to be out of the apartment by 10.

We walked down to the Old town to grab a bite of breakfast, a few bits and bob presents and to go to the beach. I had another cherry pastry, was good, better than the first one I had a few days before. We aimed for the main beach in Dubrovnik, it was uber busy and with the sun being so high in the sky there was little hope for shade. Or so it seemed, we found a brilliant spot by the rocks which had an arse shaped rock structure which was shaded by the bigger rock above, perfect. Cesekberry was pretty quickly off into the sea for snorkelling and lilo’ing. I hung on the rocks, watching the sea life before going in. There was lots to see in the water, not as much as the day before, but still lots of entertainment. The water was quite choppy though, which you would expect when massive cruise liners are passing through within hundreds of metres.

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Dubrovnik – Croatia Day 4 Mljet


As I said yesterday, the alarm was set for 6am, lovely, I woke up… take a guess… go on I dares ya… yep spot on 5.59am. Who would have guessed it hey?

So that meant we were up, and had no excuse not to get up and get going. The benefit of such an early start walking down to the Old Town is much more pleasant due to the reduced heat, still tough on the calves but less sweaty (yummy). Down at Old Town we grabbed some bus tickets and had to wait only minutes for the bus to the ferry port.

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Dubrovnik – Croatia Day 3 Lapad


Early start planned, alarm set for 7.30 to get down to tourist information by 8. No go, alarm fail, didn’t get up till 9. Woops.

The plan for today? Got down into town and hire a car, why a car I hear you scream, to go driving! Where to… Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro. Three countries (if you include Croatia) in one day.

Unfortunately the entire of Dubrovnik was out of hire cars, so instead we caught the bus up to Lapad Bay.

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Dubrovnik – Croatia Day 2 Lokrum


I guess good morning and welcome to day two. An early-ish start, not as early as first hoped due to the insane heat in the room and difficulties with sleeping. First port of call is to get down into Old Town and grab a couple of necessities for the days activities. Basically I need a hat, some sunglasses (what sort of ‘etard goes away without theirs?) and a towel for beaching. I’d say this was a successful hunt but that would be being nice, yes I got all I needed but it took a lot longer than it should have and I had to pay a lot more than I would have liked. However, mission accomplished and we could move onto the harbour and finding the ferry that would take us to Lokrum

And what do you do there?

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Dubrovnik – Croatia Day 1


When you know you are going to be spending the day travelling, the best thing to do is wake up ridiculously early, much earlier than planned and feel terrible. Somehow, I guess with the prize of getting to your destination in mind, you have to struggle out of bed and get sorted. In this case, pack and do everything!

If you’ve been following my Twitter or Facebook you will know I have spent the day travelling to Croatia, more accurately Dubrovnik to meet up with Spank / Queen Hanna / Barbie / @cesekberry. In short this meant 2 buses to get to the airport, then a flight and another bus once landed.

Was it worth it?

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Common Courtesy Pecking Order


Something struck me when I was on the bus earlier, not a door or rogue bag, small child or scag head, but a thought. A thought which was sparked by one passing remark from an elderly passenger to another (yes you could say I was eavesdropping). The elderly lady was sitting in the single seat right at the front of the bus, the raised one which sits in front of the luggage holder, she must have been 70 or 80. An American family got on the bus, by family I mean Mom (get the American ref?) who was carrying little son on the chest and her Mom (I’m on fire here) who had the older daughter by the hand. The bus was full so they were forced to stand, just alongside me, poor buggers.

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The Ashes First Test Tweets

cricket, twitter

As you know, I am a huge cricket fan, therefore The Ashes is a very exciting time for me. I can’t think of much interesting stuff to do relating to it at the moment so I will start off by aggregating my tweets for each test.

So here is the first test from Cardiff:

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